Getting About
We hired a car via the an online company for our arrival in Perth. It turned out to be a good hire and the little Hyundai Automatic took us wherever we wanted to go. It was a quick little car off the mark and a joy to drive in the built up areas.
The guy who ran the company where we collected the car said if we hired it directly from them we would have paid less. Something to think about next time.
We can't say the same about the navigation device we also hired. It must have been an original model and wasn't at all accurate. We were driving on the left side and came to a roundabout. The voice said that the 4th on the right. 4th right would take me back to where I came from. Actually I needed to go first left. (5th right, for those loving to drive around roundabouts). This problem happened often. In the end I used Google maps on the phone. We set up where we were going and my wife held it to see where we should turn. But at least it was more accurate than this ancient tool.
We took out a Australian SIM for our visit. It was expensive but well worth having. We have since found out that we can have one posted to us in the UK which will stay alive as long as we pre pay for it.
Not in any particula order.
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